Cultural Activity
Culture makes you look in the mirror and recognize yourself as close, as other, as different, as equal, always working on multiple possibilities. This proposal aims to help users develop cultural and artistic values. Providing these tours means making them happier and providing new experiences. Once we are in contact with these spaces, such as a museum or a zoo, we can contribute to the formation of the individual and also address issues involving their learning and socialization.
Music classes
We know that contact with music offers several benefits in many aspects of life, such as improving inclusion and quality of life.
Music classes are held with the aim of providing the development of communication, psychomotor coordination, relationships, expression and organization and motivation. In addition to the moment of socialization and enjoyment among participants during classes.
June celebration
The June festival is a great and traditional cultural event in our country, which in a certain way, exposes the different social and historical contexts of Brazil. The Day Center for Persons with Disabilities has its own June party!