Did you know we should say T21 or Trisomy 21 instead of Down Syndrome?
But why change?
As Down Syndrome is a trisomy of chromosome 21, causing the individual to have 47 nuclear chromosomes instead of 46, including its subtypes (free, translocation and mosaicism), there is a campaign clarifying that Down Syndrome is known worldwide as Trisomy 21 or its abbreviation T21.
The first to describe Down syndrome in 1866 was John Langdon Down and therefore it was called Down syndrome. Until recently, descriptions of some syndromes and diseases were made using eponyms, that is, a tribute to the person who described the condition. There are several syndromes in this situation. But this has changed, after all, when the name of the author of the discovery is mentioned, there is no real description of the syndromic condition, but rather the name of the person who described it. Therefore, for some years now, the healthcare community has been organizing for a change of nomenclature.
All of this is a change of habit and like all habits, it takes time and practice for people to get used to.
In the specific case of Down syndrome, other issues need to be considered regarding this nomenclature. In the past, people with Down syndrome had a very impaired quality of life and died early. Today, the reality is completely different, they study, work, travel, walk, date and do many things. As a result, life expectancy is increasing and quality of life is increasing, which is the most important thing.
With the use of the term Down syndrome, the translation of the word “down” with its meaning translated into English as “down, down or underneath” became pejorative and movements began about Up and not Down, further increasing the form for this change to T21.
In Brazil, it is estimated that there is around one case of people with T21 for every 700 births.
Now that you understand the reasons for this movement to change the name from Down syndrome to T21, come join us in this movement to change habits.
There is no right or wrong, but the truth is that human beings are always seeking to improve and develop, thus encouraging inclusion and reducing prejudice. Come with us!
The Day Center for Persons with Disabilities (CDPD) in Bragança Paulista, always, for inclusion!